

7110 – Active raised bogs – they are acidic, ombrotrophic peat bogs, poor in mineral nutrients, hydrologically maintained mainly by rainfall, with a water level generally higher than the surrounding groundwater, with perennial vegetation dominated by peat moss.

7140 – Transition mires and quaking bogs (untied to the substrate) – they are groups of oligotrophic and mesotrophic plants formed on mixed peat substrate (peat moss and sedge) or on sedge peat. From the water regime perspective, they can be minerotrophic or transition type (formed in the border area of the surface water and the mineral soil).

9110 – Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests – they are acidophilic beech forests, acidophilic beech and spruce forests, acidophilic beech and fir forests and acidophilic beech, spruce and fir mixed forests. The tree layer of the phytocenosis is dominated by beech, also occurring spruce and fir in the mountain region (in various proportions: 10-60%) or holm, Turkey oak and even common oak in the hilly region.

9130 – Asperulo-Fagetum forests – they are neutrophilic beech forests from the hilly and sub-mountain area, that develop on neutral soils with mull type humus, with an abundant and more developed grassy layer than the one of the habitat 9110. The tree layer of the phytocenosis is dominated by beech, frequently also occurring common hornbeam.

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