Implemented by Ocolul Silvic Năruja, the project “Appropriate management for biodiversity conservation in the protected natural areas ROSCI0097 – Lacul Negru and the nature reserve 2.813 Lacul Negru – Cheile Nărujei I” is financed from the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Large Infrastructure 2014-2020.
The need for the project comes from the requirement to regulate all activities within the two protected areas and from the current national legislative context, according to which it is mandatory to develop for these areas a management plan that is complete, functional and based on scientific data. Also, due to their increased sensitivity, as the ultimate predators in trophic chains, the large carnivores from the site Lacul Negru have been the subject of several LIFE initiatives and now the implementation of this project implies updating and completing the data collected so far, by inventorying, monitoring and assessing the conservation status of the species in the site and their habitats.
In this way, the activities of the project contribute to solving the problems reported in the area concerned and ensuring appropriate management for the conservation of all six species of wild animals and four natural habitats thanks to which Lacul Negru has been declared a site Natura 2000. At the same time, the project aims at raising the level of awareness and information among the local community on biodiversity conservation, the importance of natural resources in the area and the need for sustainable development in accordance with ecological principles.